I was in a coma, seeing the light in the distance and hearing voices. I was about to cross the threshold when a hand blocked my way and a voice said to me, “Quilombito, the next step you take will be in the milonga.” It was Carlos Gardel.
I woke up in Madrid and started in tango. Three months later, I was already DJing my first practice session on Tuesdays. A year later, I was hired as the organizer and DJ of the most high-class milonga of the moment: “Shusheta.” Many projects later—practices, classes, events—I launched my personal project, the milonga I have been organizing and DJing for six years on Thursdays: Suerte Loca, now a tango club. And for the past three years, a shared milonga on Sundays: Amarras.
Since those days, I study at least ten hours a week. I live for tango: friends, loves, and nights at the milonga. Above all, I am a milonguero. In short, I love and respect tango, its customs, and its people. My milongueros, the most regular and loyal, know this and let me choose the music for their nights of revelry.
As for my conception of tango, it is like an empanada, a pizza, or a milanesa. It’s not creative or innovative, but everyone likes it. I try to play the most traditional and well-known music for the dancers, so that if by chance it’s their last milonga, no one leaves without dancing what must be danced. And that’s it.
Gdynia Tango Festival powstał z miłości do tanga. Nasi DJe z pełnym zaangażowaniem i pasją zadbają o to, abyście spędzili niezapomniane chwile na parkiecie
Gdynia Tango Festival was created out of love for tango. Our DJs will make sure that you spend unforgettable moments on the dance floor with passion!