Since 2017 have been travelling and djing around Europe in milongas, festivals and marathons. Since 2019 living in the bohemian Krakow, organiser of Milonga Pipí Cucú, Bien pulenta and Charrúa y bailarín.
As a dj he only plays traditional from 35-55, with energy, passion and amazing cortinas making you difficult to abandon the dance floor.
Gdynia Tango Festival powstał z miłości do tanga. Nasi DJe z pełnym zaangażowaniem i pasją zadbają o to, abyście spędzili niezapomniane chwile na parkiecie
Gdynia Tango Festival was created out of love for tango. Our DJs will make sure that you spend unforgettable moments on the dance floor with passion!